TMI with Coach Jada
This is a hybrid podcast covering topics that empower others like self love, women's health (specifically fibroids, hysterectomy and all the other $#!@ that we have to deal with). I will also touch on the latest hot topics in the culture, a little politics and of course sports; because yes, women know sports too. At least most of the women I know!
Why TMI? Because I want to talk about real things that aren't always discussed out loud. Things that some might even consider taboo but I would rather you have TOO MUCH INFORMATION than not enough. I want to give you more information than you even think you need to help you find your superpower!
TMI with Coach Jada
Happy Birfday Coach!
Birthday Shenanigans
Be The Lion and Not The Gazelle!
IG: @iamcoachjada
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