TMI with Coach Jada
This is a hybrid podcast covering topics that empower others like self love, women's health (specifically fibroids, hysterectomy and all the other $#!@ that we have to deal with). I will also touch on the latest hot topics in the culture, a little politics and of course sports; because yes, women know sports too. At least most of the women I know!
Why TMI? Because I want to talk about real things that aren't always discussed out loud. Things that some might even consider taboo but I would rather you have TOO MUCH INFORMATION than not enough. I want to give you more information than you even think you need to help you find your superpower!
TMI with Coach Jada
Black Women Are Tired!
The 2024 election was a joke but not funny at all! I think I speak for most of the Black woman majority when I say WE ARE TIRED! Tired of bearing the burdens and having nothing to show, tired of not being good enough or being too much. Tired of having to do 3 or 4 times more than others who can get by on the bare minimum or mediocre standards. And anything else that comes with melanated skin in America. SICCUD!
I get a little loud and cuss a little more than usual but I'm mad and I will only apologize to my Mama because she told me to watch my mouth on here :)
Be The Lion and Not The Gazelle!
IG: @iamcoachjada
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